The 2000's

Click here for a funny clip

Scroll way down for my Comedy Club Performance or click here











The craziest thing happened - I accidentally became an artist!  Yes, I said "artist."  Yes, I said "accidentally."   The story is: 

     My friend, Steve, added some 'area' on to his den.  As a result, there was now a wall space created above the couch that would be a perfect place to hang a painting or some other piece of artwork.  We were sitting around discussing it one day and he said to me " I gotta get something for there."  So I said, "Let me make you something."  He said OK.  And so....nothing happened.  For an entire year!  Then one day, again, we were sitting around and he said to me " I gotta get something for there."  So I said, "Let me make you something."  Then he said "You said that a year ago and nothing happened!"  So I said "This time I mean it."

     And so for the next four months I sat in my garage and created, out of broken computer parts that I had around, a 2 foot by 4 foot "thing" for him to hang over the couch.  He insisted on an "unveiling party" and invited 20 or so people to see it the day I hung it up in his house.  I thought it was quite a 'goof' and so I dressed up for the occasion. 

    A strange thing happened...everyone liked it ...a lot!!  And so, I was eventually forced to make another one (a much smaller one - 1 ft. X 2ft.) which was donated to the hospital charity auction, a couple of people bid on it and someone actually paid $750 for it!!  Now I am forced to pursue this "late-in-life" career.  You can see some pictures if you click the link below.


Click here to go to the ART page    
(use your browser's 'Back' button to get back here)

Other crazy things going on:

I finally tried 'Stand-up Comedy'

This is something I always wanted to do, but until now, never had the nerve. 

I went to "Comedy College"
and as the graduation event
they put us on stage in front of a real audience!

I think I did pretty good.  You be the judge!

First Night's Performance
(1st Night - PG version)
safe for kids


Second Night's Performance



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