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Hi! It's Steve  

and this is my web site.


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"Artwork"  click here


If you're here, then you must already know me....probably*....

....but maybe we haven't talked for a while.

So, on this site 

you'll be able to find out 

what I've been doing all these years.  

I haven't decided exactly what I'll have here yet, but I'm sure that, whatever it turns out to be, it will be in a decent sized, easy-to-read font (I don't know about you, but my eyes are changing) and it will probably include stuff like pictures and stories from episodes in my life and photos of my family and kids (and grandkids) as well as commentary on trips/vacations and/or other interesting places and things and stuff.     

Also, funny stuff and links I've found.  

(...and other stuff as I think of it!)


Consequently, you'll need to consider it a work (of art?...nah!) in progress and so please.... 

come in....or don't....it's up to you!

           Always Under       Construction

                                                                    ...and so...life goes on...

*( I actually once got a hit from Spain and one from the UK somehow)...



This site is    Friendly

My thanks to Cool Graphics  ...please visit them