The 1980's

In 1980 (age 37) it is discovered that I have a 90% blockage in my right coronary artery.  This was about a year before the "balloon" fix was invented so the only available option was a bypass.  However, due to my relatively young age, and the fact that it was only one artery, and the fact that it didn't interfere with daily life, and the fact that the other two arteries at that point were as clear as if they belonged to someone was decided that we wouldn't do the surgery, but that I would just learn to "take it easy."  (Did he say "Learn?") OK!  ok! You know I'm loving this!

So I took it easy, and the blockage didn't affect my life for the next 17 years! Except for some weight gain.  (Hey, you try staying thin, without exerting yourself!  It can't be done.  Well, I couldn't do it.  I have recently begun going the other way)  

In 1983 I QUIT  the phone company and went to work for my best friend, Nelson, as his Vice President of Engineering and Technical Stuff.   This change was not actually connected with my heart thing but it was a good opportunity that came at a good time.  This new job called upon all the skills I had picked up in the Navy and at the phone company and even though I would never get rich.....I could "take it easy".  

Then around that same year, David (my oldest)  became 14 and began hanging out at the pizza place and started sounding like Sylvester Stallone in "Rocky" so I knew it was time to move out of Staten Island!  In 1984 we moved to Long Island.  We turned a 3 bedroom into a 5 bedroom and everybody had his/her own space AND some left over for a guest room!  

The boys had, what amounted to their own apartment downstairs and we almost never had to see their rooms (or mess) at all.  They had 2 bedrooms, a bathroom (w/shower) and they could claim the den as their own living room, most of the time.  Wow!  I just realized how great that must have been for them.  (Of course, I am reminded of how I had to walk a hundred miles every day to school...etc.)

1982 Taken at my nephew's Bar Mitzvah in San Francisco
1983 Still bearded & still smoking
1984 New house
1985 Still had the beard